Capital providers frequently asked questions, Capital Provider FAQ’s
Capital providers frequently asked questions, Capital Provider FAQ’s

Capital Providers
Frequently Asked

  • We differentiate ourselves by working with executives that are developed through our CEO First Program which has been in place since 2005.
  • Executives spend 40+ hours in prep work to develop a niche deal thesis that will be delivered to a funnel of privately held PE firm targets. We train the executives on how to convince those owners to come to the negotiating table.
  • With ACG you schedule your own meetings, and this takes hours of your time. At BlackmoreConnects, we do this for you. Plus, we provide a new selection of executives at every conference. Therefore, Capital Providers may choose to attend all 6 conferences a year.
  • Our Talent Group makes Private Equity the #1 priority. We have a database of 100,000+ “backable executives” that we have been building since 2005.
  • There is a 24-month tail after each conference for deals that are realized. Should a deal close with one of the pre-qualified Executives via the BlackmoreConnects™ pipeline, a standard Lehman Fee (5, 4, 3, 2,1) will apply.
  • For Consultant, Advisor, or other Experts Fee: 33% of all monies shall be paid.
  • For C-level positions: 33% of first 12 months of employment as determined by total starting salary and expected bonus accepted by candidate.
  • If hired on a contract basis: 33% of total monthly compensation for the first twelve months of the contract or until contract is terminated.
  • For Board Member positions: Any board positions filled by executives of BlackmoreConnects will follow fee schedule based upon annual company revenue.
  • 9-20 per conference and more in-between if you register for six.

• Our target is 2 Executives for every Private Equity firm attending. The lowest end is one to one.

  • The average is 12, and the maximum is 20 firms per event.
  • One week before you arrive at the conference, you will get all of the Executive’s deal thesis, deal funnel, bio, and resume. You choose your top 9.
  • 1 Conference, $3,999 each.
  • 2 Conferences, $2499 each.
  • 3 Conferences, $2000 each.
  • 4 Conferences, $ 2000 each.
  • 5 Conferences, $1500 each.
  • 6 Conferences, $1000 each.
  • Please note that due to attendee capacity constraints, you can attend a maximum of three out of the six conferences offered each year. 
  • How can it compare to ACG?  The goal of ACG is primarily to meet bankers. 
  • ACG Capital has 100’s of Private Equity firms and 1000’s of vendors wanting to get your attention; it’s too much mental noise. 
  • You do it all for ACG – consider how much your time is worth: $500 an hour? $250 an hour?
  • At BlackmoreConnects™ we do it all! 
  • We started developing this process in 2005 for BlackmoreConnects, a Private Equity independent sponsor for Executive-led deal flow.
  • We have been hosting conferences since 2016.
  • We have 17 years of experimentation.
  • We have 17 years of working towards a measurable, repeatable process. 
  • We have “Skin in the Game” – The majority of the fees come on the back end when deals get done.
  • You can build new proprietary deal flow that matches your mandates.
  • You can discover new niches in which to focus your efforts.
  • Meet Executives who are looking for funding to execute a deal.
  • You can partner with Executives who can assist you in creating deal angles to win banked deals.
  • Partner with Executives who are M&A minded and have a deep understanding of how Private Equity works.
  • Save weeks and months of your time with BlackmoreConnects™.
  • Build your Executive bench with BlackmoreConnects™.

BlackmoreConnects™ Executives are…

  • P&L Executives who are screened by a recruiting team with over 10 years combined Private Equity recruiting experience.
  • P&L Executives with an actionable, proprietary deal (Private Equity firms pay a success fee only when a deal is closed) funnel.
  • P&L Executives who have been coached to adopt an independent operating partner mindset and position themselves as a continual source of proprietary deal flow.
  • ‘Backable’ P&L Executives who are ready to do the heavy lifting to get deals done over 12-24 months vs. ‘getting a job’.
  • Sophisticated P&L executives who understand how Private Equity works.
  • P&L Executives to whom a firm can bring a CIM to vet a deal and locate where the ‘bones are buried’.
  • P&L Executives who can give you the unique industry angle that will give your firm confidence to win more deals.
  • P&L Executives who can help extend your deal team. An “ear to the street” concept in action.
  • P&L Executives who can be board members.
  • P&L Executives who can be future replacement Executives.
  • P&L Executives who are ready to be short-term consultants.
  • P&L Executives who can be interim leaders
  • The Executives, at the very least, have one or more niche deal thesis and a list of targets they are working to connect with.
  • The targets are family-run companies with EBITDA from $2M – $20M.
  • The targets can be either a platform or an add-on.

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